Sulphitation Removal Services
Sulphitation Removal Services
Sulphur is a common contaminant in foodstuffs which enters sugar during sugar manufacture. Most sugar mills in third world countries employ sulphitation during the manufacturing process. The exact quantity of carry-over of sulfur during the post sulphitation stages can range from 20 ppm to 10 ppm. Sulphitation of cane juices was eliminated in the USA in the 50s and South Africa in the 60s. However, it remains a main process in India, China and Indonesia.
Sulphur poses the following problems:
- Health problems* (listed below)
- Customer Acceptance
- Sugar loss problems during processing
- Factory maintenance problems
- Health and safety problems
- Environmental problems.
The European Union prescribes a maximum of no more than 20 ppm of sulfur for white sugar, and this is difficult to achieve with the conventional double sulphitation process.
CarboUA has developed a process that allows factories to eliminate sulphitation with minimal capital cost. This process has been operational at several factories since 2102.
*Harmful Effect of Sulphur on Health:
- Neurological effects and behavioral changes.
- Disturbance of blood circulation.
- Heart damage.